You fly over the airspace of the was my dream that build exhausted efforts
你踏過的泥是我所有的自尊 越陷入就越痛
You stepped on the mud is my self-esteem of all, it's more pain when I fall more
誰給我一個指南針 戒掉黑白不分
Who gave me a compass to quit the situation that can't tell black from white
我的真 被你狠狠拉扯 扭曲 只差ㄧ步 就要蕩然無存
My sincere was pulled severely from you, Distorted,Just one step,It would be gone
還在轉動的手拉坏 沒有你的雙手相依偎
The NRK Blank without your hands to snuggle up ,but still in rotation
忘記了教我怎麼飛 只留下天花板上的頹廢
I forgot how you teach to fly, only leaving the decadence at the ceiling
When you're the default that your rejection is because the another person
Have you found that I held back my tears
你親吻過的嘴 是因為你的謊言而枯萎
The mouth I 've kissed ,It withered as a result of lies
我給過的自由 竟讓你無法克制每一個衝動
I gave you the freedom that let you can't restrain every impulse
誰來審判我們的罪 揭發口是心非
Who will judge our sins to expose duplicity
我的累 被你漸漸灌溉 延伸 只差ㄧ步
My fatigue was irrigated gradually from you,And extending,Only one step to be.....
還在轉動的手拉坏 沒有你的雙手相依偎
The NRK Blank without your hands to snuggle up ,but still in rotation
忘記了教我怎麼飛 只留下天花板上的頹廢
I forgot how you teach to fly, only leaving the decadence at the ceiling
When you're the default that your rejection is because the another person
Have you found that I held back my tears
還在轉動的手拉坏 沒有你的雙手相依偎
The NRK Blank without your hands to snuggle up ,but still in rotation
忘記了教我怎麼飛 只留下天花板上的頹廢
I forgot how you teach to fly, only leaving the decadence at the ceiling
這樣的下場 我還能怪誰 是我們明知故犯的罪
Such a fate,who is the person, I can blame ,this sin is that we knowingly
還在轉動的手拉坏 沒有你的雙手相依偎
The NRK Blank without your hands to snuggle up ,but still in rotation
忘記了教我怎麼飛 只留下天花板上的頹廢
I forgot how you teach to fly, only leaving the decadence at the ceiling
這樣的下場 我還能怪誰 是我們明知故犯的罪
Such a fate,who is the person, I can blame ,this sin is that we knowingly