Now 向左轉 向右轉 憑直覺一路往前多簡
Now turn left, turn right,we follow your nose simplely
Now 別太慢 別太趕 下一站在你面前就是海
Now don't too slow,don't too rush,the next stop in front of you is the sea
Now turn left, turn right,we follow your nose simplely
Now 別太慢 別太趕 下一站在你面前就是海
Now don't too slow,don't too rush,the next stop in front of you is the sea
水花風中搖擺 海浪親密呼喚 風景各自精采
Spray with the wind swinging,waves calling us closely,
the brilliant landscape
Spray with the wind swinging,waves calling us closely,
the brilliant landscape
夏天裡的沙灘 可樂裡的冰塊 註定好湊在一塊
The summer beach,the ice in the Coke,it's meant to be together
The summer beach,the ice in the Coke,it's meant to be together
海擁抱天空藍 心被真心全填滿
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
We hold hands with freedom
We hold hands with freedom
海擁抱天空藍 心被真心全填滿
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
It just like the truth, unable to overthrow
It just like the truth, unable to overthrow
心中的海 為你敞開
The sea in my heart is open for you
The sea in my heart is open for you
As you visit all year round
As you visit all year round
我說的海 一直都在
The sea what I said that is always be there
The sea what I said that is always be there
I'll accompany you every moment
I'll accompany you every moment
Now 不算早 不算晚 看天色在這一刻多燦爛
Now is not early, not late, we look at the sky more brilliant in this moment
Now is not early, not late, we look at the sky more brilliant in this moment
孤單早就 bye bye 失落煙消雲散 未來多了期待
Solitude has said bye bye to me,the Lost has gone away,our future increases the expectations
Solitude has said bye bye to me,the Lost has gone away,our future increases the expectations
沒你日子太慢 有你時光飛快 發現有幸福預感
The days without you,it passed slow,when I have you ,the years are short,I found a happy premonition
The days without you,it passed slow,when I have you ,the years are short,I found a happy premonition
海擁抱天空藍 心被真心全填滿
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
We hold hands with freedom
We hold hands with freedom
海擁抱天空藍 心被真心全填滿
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere
It just like the truth, unable to overthrow
It just like the truth, unable to overthrow
我瞬間來到世界外 你一笑就把所有秩序輕易打亂
I instantly came to the outside world,When you smile all the order was easily to be the chaos
I instantly came to the outside world,When you smile all the order was easily to be the chaos
Oh It's all right cuz I really don't mind
海擁抱天空藍 心被真心全填滿 我能感覺密度百分百
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere ,I can feel a hundred percent density
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere ,I can feel a hundred percent density
海擁抱天空藍 心被真心全填滿 快樂自己找路回來
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere ,the happiness will find their own way back
Sea embrace the blue sky,they are fill of sincere ,the happiness will find their own way back
心中的海 為你敞開
The sea in my heart is open for you
The sea in my heart is open for you
As you visit all year round
As you visit all year round
我說的海 一直都在
The sea what I said that is always be there
The sea what I said that is always be there
I'll accompany you every moment
I'll accompany you every moment
我的海 你的海 我的海
The sea of mine,the sea of yours,the sea of mine
我的海 你的海 我的海The sea of mine,the sea of yours,the sea of mine
The sea of mine,the sea of yours,the sea of mine